Property | Description | |
Binder name | Name of the binder. | |
Port address | Endpoint address associated with this web service, that is, the network address at which the web service can be invoked. For a consumer web service descriptor, this value is determined by the location attribute in the soap:address element (which is contained within the soap:port element of the service element). For a WSDL first provider web service descriptor, the Port address is empty. For a service first web service descriptor, you can edit the Port address for a binder that uses HTTP or HTTPS as the Transport. For a web service descriptor that uses the JMS transport, the Port address displays the initial part of the JMS URI, specifically “jms”:<lookup var>:<dest>?targetService. Integration Server displays additional information that is part of the JMS URI in the JMS Settings and JMS Message Details properties. The Port address value is display-only when Transport is JMS, the binder is in a consumer web service descriptor, or the binder is in a WSDL first provider web service descriptor. Note: The contents of Port address might be used or overwritten when building the consumer and provider endpoint URLs for more information about how Integration Server constructs endpoint URLs, see the Web Services Developer’s Guide. | |
Port alias | Endpoint alias name associated with this web service. The endpoint alias name will be used for this binder when generating a WSDL for a provider or when executing a web service connector for a consumer. The actual endpoint value is looked up at run time in both cases. New aliases can be defined from the Integration Server, using Settings > Web Services. For a provider web service and a binder with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, you can assign the default provider endpoint alias to the binder. Select DEFAULT(aliasName) if you want to use the information in the default provider web service endpoint alias. If the Alias list includes a blank row, Integration Server does not have a default provider web service endpoint alias for the protocol. | |
Port name | Name of the port associated with the web service, as defined by the WSDL; an aggregate of a binding and a network address. | |
Directive | The SOAP processor for which the web service will be a target. The drop-down menu lists all registered SOAP processors on the Integration Server to which you are currently connected. | |
Binding name | Name of the WSDL binding element. | |
Porttype name | Name of the portType associated with the WSDL binding element. | |
Binding type | Type of binding. This will be one of the following: SOAP over HTTP SOAP over JMS Binding type is display-only. The Transport value determines the Binding type value. | |
Transport | Transport mechanism used to invoke the web service, specify: HTTP HTTPS JMS The transport you select must match the type of requests accepted by the port you selected. | |
SOAP version | Version of the SOAP message protocol to be used; either SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2. | |
SOAP binding style | The style of the SOAP binding and its operations; either Document or RPC (Remote Procedure Call). | |
SOAP binding use | The usage attribute of the SOAP binding and its operations; either literal or encoded | |
SOAP binding transport | The transport protocol used by this SOAP Binding. | |
SOAP action | SOAP action associated with the operations in the binder. Click in the Value column to display the SOAP action string associated with each operation in the binder. For a service first provider web service descriptor, you can modify the SOAP action for an operation in a binder. The SOAP action value must be unique within the web service descriptor. The SOAP action cannot be edited for a WSDL first provider web service descriptor or a consumer web service descriptor. | |
Response endpoint address template | The address template that you can use as ReplyTo or FaultTo address to make the consumer web service descriptor process responses asynchronously. This property displays the following address format: HTTP binder: http://<server>:<port>/ws/wsdName/portName HTTPS binder: https://<server>:<port>/ws/wsdName/portName JMS binder: jms:<topic/queue/jndi>:<destinationName>?targetService=soapjms/wsdName/portName Where, wsdName is the web service descriptor name and portName is the name of the port associated with the web service, as defined by the WSDL; an aggregate of a binding and a network address. You must specify this address as the value for ReplyTo and/or FaultTo address in the messageAddressingProperties parameter of the corresponding web service connector to use this consumer web service descriptor to process responses asynchronously by invoking the callback response services. You must replace the placeholders <server> and <port> or <topic/queue/jndi> and <destinationName> with appropriate values depending on the transport mechanism used to invoke the web service. | |
Use CSQ | Indicates whether Integration Server places the request message in the client side queue if the JMS provider is not available at the time the message is sent. | |
Set to... | To... | |
True | Specify that Integration Server writes messages to the client side queue if the JMS provider is not available at the time the request message is sent by the web service connector. | |
False | Specify that Integration Server throws an ISRuntimeException if the JMS provider is not available at the time the web service connector executes. This is the default. | |
Note: This property applies to consumer web service descriptors only. For more information about using the client side queue when sending web service requests using SOAP over JMS, see
Configuring Use of the Client Side
Queue. |