Software AG Products 10.11 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | Using BigMemory with webMethods Products | webMethods Products and Terracotta | Using Terracotta to Create Very Large In-Memory Caches with BigMemory
Using Terracotta to Create Very Large In-Memory Caches with BigMemory
BigMemory is an extension to Terracotta Ehcache that enables you to create caches that reside outside the Java heap. Using BigMemory, you can create much larger caches than with local on-heap memory alone. You can use terabytes for caching, depending on the platform you use. Caches that you create using BigMemory also perform more predictably and consistently than on-heap caches, because they are not subject to the JVM garbage-collection process.
webMethods products that support Terracotta Ehcache for caching also support BigMemory. You must install a Terracotta license on the webMethods product to enable the BigMemory feature.
For additional information about the BigMemory extension to Terracotta Ehcache, see the sections on BigMemory in the Terracotta Ehcache 2.8 documentation available at