webMethods OneData 10.11 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData User’s Guide | Working with the Data Steward User Interface | Performing a Full-Text Global Search for Data
Performing a Full-Text Global Search for Data
Prerequisites: Elasticsearch is installed and all the required configuration properties are set. For details on how to install and configure Elasticsearch, see the Administering webMethods OneData guide.
Use this procedure to search all records, objects, or folders available in the webMethods OneData repository.
The full-text global search feature does not support BLOB, CLOB and multi-select columns. These data types are excluded from the search result.
1. In the Login screen, enter your login credentials.
2. Select New UI and click Login.
3. In the search bar, type your search string and select one of the possible matches displayed for your search string.
Data Steward user interface does not support wild characters in search strings.
4. Press Enter or click on the search icon.
For each search string you enter, webMethods OneData creates a new tab so that you can retain multiple search at any point of time and, if required, shift among them.
webMethods OneData displays all records, objects, and folders containing the search string you specified. If your search string is a column caption, the search result displays objects that contain the column caption you searched for. If your search string is a user name, the search result displays the records created or updated by the user.
To view details of the records, objects, and folders, click on the object, record, or folder name. webMethods OneData behaves differently for each data type when you click on the name:
*For records, the record details window opens. If you have edit permissions for the record, you can even edit it, if required.
*For objects, the object details are displayed in a separate tab.
*For folders, the folder content is displayed in a separate tab. Subsequently, when you click on any object in the folder, webMethods OneData retains the same tab.