webMethods OneData 10.11 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide | Using REST APIs for Data Quality Consolidation | Data Quality APIs | API for Matcher on Project
API for Matcher on Project
Use this Matcher API function when you have a matcher project defined in webMethods OneData, and you want to use the matcher project through REST. You must pass the project name in the URL as given in the URL syntax. In the JSON input, you must pass the data to be matched and the candidates against which the data should be matched. This function is applicable to any type of project, including a pluggable type matcher.
In the API input, columnName should be the name of attribute defined for the project in the project mappings. Any additional configurations required for the matching process to complete should be mentioned in additionalConfig. For example, goodMatchWeightage, suspectMatchWeightage must be included for the webMethods OneData Matcher type, else the default values of 90 and 75 are used respectively.
Example: http://localhost:8080/WMOnedata/rest/OD98HAPA/Standard%20Project/DQ/matcher/project/wmOneDataMatcher
Mandatory Input Attributes
inputDataSet, matchCandidate
Example of API Syntax

"value":"Software AG Kochi Pvt Ltd"
"value":"Panampilly Avenue"

"value":"Software AG Kochi Pvt Ltd"
"value":"Panampilly Nagar Lane 25"

"value":"Software AG Kochi Pvt Ltd"
"value":"Panampilly Avenue"

"value":"Software AG Kochi Pvt Ltd"
"value":"Panampilly Nagar"

You can describe the API specification using Swagger as shown below:
Swagger URL:
Example: http://localhost:8080/WMOnedata/rest/OD98HAPA/Standard%20Project/DQ/matcher/project/wmOneDataMatcher/swagger.