webMethods OneData 10.11 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | Implementing webMethods OneData | Managing an Object Structure | webMethods OneData Audit Columns and Triggers
webMethods OneData Audit Columns and Triggers
webMethods OneData Audit Columns
webMethods OneData Audit Triggers
webMethods OneData Sequence Triggers
In the database schema, every table or view that webMethods OneData considers as a data object must have audit columns and triggers. When you create an object for the first time in webMethods OneData (using any option like Add Data Objector Update Schema), webMethods OneData automatically adds the audit columns and triggers to the object. The audit column information is used extensively in the various modules of webMethods OneData.
In the database, the audit columns or triggers might be dropped when you recreate an object in webMethods OneData after performing database actions like recreating the table for changing column order. Hence, after performing such database actions, you must ensure that the audit columns and triggers are present in the object.