webMethods OneData 10.11 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide | Troubleshooting | Object related issues after successful matching
Object related issues after successful matching
Error in validation - Incorrect foreign key setting. Setting foreign key from consolidation table to master instead of detail in multiple gold model
In case of multiple gold models, foreign key should be set from consolidation table to detail table. To find out the whether till matching, CDI process is successful,use manual matcher hook and see the first pop up with match candidates & score is coming and then error out in the next step. This will make sure that the error is due to foreign key settings or decode.
Primary key already exist in the consolidation gold table error
This error usually comes when the same column names are getting used in consolidation gold tables (detail and master) and primary keys in consolidation table. Refer section known limitations and workaround.