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Defining a Consolidation Gold Object for a Single Gold Model Project
*To define a Consolidation Gold object for a single Gold model project
1. Create a data object with the object qualifier (Additional Qualifiers field in the object definition) as Consolidation Gold Object.
Software AG recommends this setting to avoid manual duplicate entries to the Consolidation Gold object. webMethods OneData uses the Consolidation Gold object qualifier only to stop duplicate entries to the Gold object when a manual entry is made to the Consolidation Gold object. A validation error appears if a the user tries to add a duplicate record to the Consolidation Gold table. This qualifier is not involved in the data quality processing that occurs to move record data from the Consolidation object to the Consolidation Gold object.
For details on how to create a data object and define Additional Qualifiers, see Implementing webMethods OneData.
2. Add the following to the Consolidation Gold table:
*Cleansed output columns and windowkeys from the Consolidation table
*Columns, other than the cleansed columns, that need to be part of the gold table.