webMethods OneData 10.11 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide | Use Case To Understand The Basic Configuration | Configurations for the Matcher | Defining Pattern Mapping | Defining Interchange Mappings from the Consolidation (Staging) Object to a Gold Object
Defining Interchange Mappings from the Consolidation (Staging) Object to a Gold Object
Use the following procedure to define an interchange mapping to populate data from the consolidation (Staging) object in the Gold Object.
*To define an interchange mappings from the Consolidation (staging) object to a Gold object
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Configuration > Interchange Mapping.
2. Click Add New Mapping.
3. In Filter by Project, select the matching project.
4. Define the mapping details:
Mapping Field
Field Value
Mapping Type
Remote Database
STG connection
Staging Schema
Consolidation Object
5. In Object Type, select the required consolidation object.
6. Click Next.
7. Assign an alternate primary key, if required, and click Next.
8. Specify the Profile Name and Profile Description.
9. In Source Attribute and Destination Attribute, map the required number of source and destination attributes .
10. Click Save.