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Migration recovery
During migration, if there is any problem in the execution or any of the handlers fail, to make sure that the assets are migrated properly, you can clean the target instance and run the migration again. The clean command clears the target data store (the one configured in the of the target machine). During this procedure, all the indices are removed.
Running the clean command and removal of indices is a non-reversible action
Before clearing the data, backup of the existing data (you can also restore it). Once the data is cleared, run the migration again. When you run the clean command, the process waits for 5 seconds before starting the cleanup. If you start the command unintentionally and want to kill the process, you can do so within this 5-second interval.
Go to <TARGET>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\bin\migrate and run the clean command:
migrate.bat clean
Before running the clean command, if the <TARGET> is 10.5 and the clean command is executed in a cluster, go to <SOURCE>\InternalDataStore\config and configure the path.repo property in the elasticsearch.yml file for all the nodes. Make sure that the path.repo is a shared network folder and is accessible for all the Elasticsearch nodes in the cluster.
Sample clean command is as follows:
Since this command removes all the assets from the API Data Store, make sure that the target API Data Store is properly configured in the file located at <TARGET>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\config\resources\elasticsearch.