Software AG Products 10.11 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | webMethods API Gateway Documentation | Upgrading API Gateway | Upgrading | Upgrading Major Versions in Zero Downtime | Migrate Logs and Events Data
Migrate Logs and Events Data
You must perform this operation on the new instance of API Gateway. For a cluster setup, you must do this on each node.
Once you complete the quiesce mode for all in old API Gateway instance, the logs and events data can be migrated to the new instance. You can invoke the following REST API on the new API Gateway instance to migrate the data.
POST /rest/apigateway/migration

"action": "reindex",
"indicesType": "logsevents",
"sourceElasticsearch": {
"url": "http://localhost:9200",
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
"properties": {
"apigateway.migration.srcTenantName": "apigateway",
"apigateway.migration.batchSize": 100,
"apigateway.migration.logLevel": "info",
"apigateway.migration.reindex.status.check.sleep.interval": 5000,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_apis": 50,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_log": 100,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_audit_auditlogs": 50,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_analytics_transactionalevents": 50
After this, the runtime data is added to the existing runtime data. The upgrade is complete with this step.
If the re-index API invocation for logs and event data fails with an error or the status returned with a failure, follow one of the following options.
*Troubleshoot the problem by looking at the logs.
*Re-index the logs and events indices manually using the Elasticsearch reindex API. If the issue is not solved, contact Software AG support team for help with all the relevant logs for further analysis.
These are the logs and events indices in the API Data Store.
gateway_tenantId_quotaAccumulator, gateway_tenantId_analytics_performanceMetrics,
gateway_tenantId_analytics_threatProtectionEvents, gateway_tenantId_analytics_lifecycleEvents,
gateway_tenantId_analytics_errorEvents, gateway_tenantId_analytics_transactionalEvents,
gateway_tenantId_analytics_policyViolationEvents, gateway_tenantId_analytics_monitorEvents,
gateway_tenantId_license_licenseMetrics, gateway_tenantId_license_notifications,
gateway_tenantId_log and gateway_tenantId_audit_auditlogs.