Software AG Products 10.11 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | webMethods API Gateway Documentation | Upgrading API Gateway | Upgrading | Upgrading Major Versions in Zero Downtime | Migrate Design Time Data
Migrate Design Time Data
You must perform this operation on the new instance of API Gateway. For a cluster setup, you must do this in one of the nodes.
When the old API Gateway instance is put into quiesce mode for design time, it is now safe to migrate the design time data to new API Gateway instance's API Data Store.
You can invoke the following REST API on the new instance of API Gateway to migrate the design time data. For a cluster, you must do this only on one of the instances. If the old API Data Store is protected with basic auth, send the username and password in the request payload.
POST /rest/apigateway/migration

"action": "reindex",
"indicesType": "core",
"sourceElasticsearch": {
"url": "http://localhost:9200",
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
"properties": {
"apigateway.migration.srcTenantName": "apigateway",
"apigateway.migration.batchSize": 100,
"apigateway.migration.logLevel": "info",
"apigateway.migration.reindex.status.check.sleep.interval": 5000,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_apis": 50,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_log": 100,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_audit_auditlogs": 50,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_analytics_transactionalevents": 50