Software AG Products 10.11 | Administering API Portal | Configuring API Portal | High Availability setup in API Portal | Setting up API Portal HA setup | Adding of Nodes
Adding of Nodes
To start with the High availability configuration, you must add the nodes in ACC and create the 3-node environment.
1. Add worker nodes to ACC.
a. Start ACC.
b. Run the add node command for each of the worker nodes. The basic syntax of the add node command is as follows:
add node logicalNodeName ipAddressOrHostname
@agentPort agentUsername agentPassword
Replace logicalNodeName with the logical node name you want to assign to that node and with which you will later refer to it in the ACC commands.
2. Create a 3-node environment.
a. On machine1, create a file in the folder SAGInstallDir\API_Portal\server, which contains the following lines:
Replace machinename in the following commands with the respective names or IP addresses of your machines (nodes). For example, apiportalnode1.
add node n1 machinename @18012 Clous g3h31m
add node n2 machinename @18012 Clous g3h31m
add node n3 machinename @18012 Clous g3h31m
set current node n1
b. Run the following command:
SAGInstallDir\API_Portal\server\acc>acc.bat -n
SAGInstallDir\API_Portal\server\ –c
In the above command, replace acc.bat with if you are using Linux.
This creates an ensemble between the instances in the cluster.
c. To view the 3-node cluster in ACC, run the command:
ACC+ n1>list nodes
The 3-node cluster has all nodes listed listening on port 18012 using REST services as follows:
n1 : machine1 (18012) OK
n2 : machine2 (18012) OK
n3 : machine3 (18012) OK