Software AG Products 10.11 | Using Developer Portal | APIs | How do I edit the basic attributes of an API?
How do I edit the basic attributes of an API?
Basic attributes of APIs include the API name, description, type, providers and communities associated with an API, and the API source.
This use case starts when you want to edit the basic attributes of an API and ends when you saved your changes.
In this example, consider renaming the Pet_v1 API as Petstore_v1.
To edit the basic details of an API
1. Click the menu options icon from the title bar and click Manage APIs.
The list of APIs appears.
2. Click the edit icon next to the Pet_v1 API.
3. Click Save.
Your changes are saved. The API is removed from the public community. So, only the users who are a part of the Mobile_app_developer community can view or try the API.