Software AG Products 10.11 | Using Developer Portal | Administration | How do I configure user session settings?
How do I configure user session settings?
You can configure the user session settings from the Users page of the Administration section.
This use case begins when you want to configure user session settings and ends when you have saved the configuration.
*To configure user session settings
1. Click the menu options icon from the title bar and click Administration.
2. Select Users.
3. Turn Email address required on to specify that the entry of users' email address is mandatory during sign up and sign in.
4. Turn Validate email address on to specify that the email address is entered by users must be validated.
The email address validation is performed by sending an email to the registered email address.
5. Specify required values in the following fields:
Maximum length of login name
Provide the maximum number of characters allowed for user login name.
Maximum image size (in bytes)
Provide the maximum size of user image that can be uploaded.
Initial session duration (in minutes)
Provide the duration, in minutes, of the initial session of users.
Maximum session duration (in minutes)
Provide the maximum duration of user sessions.
6. Select the Default group name from the list.
New users are assigned to the selected group by default.