Software AG Products 10.11 | Administering API Portal | Remove User Data from API Portal | Anonymizing user data in ECP
Anonymizing user data in ECP
As an Administrator after deleting a user in UMC, perform the following steps to anonymize user data in ECP.
1. Open API landing page, http://localhost/#default/home and login as an Administrator.
2. Change the url to http://localhost/apidocs.
3. In the ARIS API page, click ARIS Collaboration API link.
4. Click Persons and expand /persons/anonymize resource.
5. In the body parameter, provide the username in {"userNames": ["<user_name>"]} as value and click the Try it out! button.
You will receive 202 as the response code for success.
The username is changed to Anonymized User1 in all the applicable places.