Webhook Notifications
When quiesce mode or a migration action is completed, a webhook event with the migration status is sent to the registered webhook clients. The following webhook events are supported.
Webhook Event | Action |
apigateway:API Gateway server:started | This event is started after API Gateway server is up. |
migration:clean:API Datastore:completed | This event is started after the clean action is completed. |
migration:quiesce:all:completed | This event is started after the quiesce mode for all the requests are completed. |
migration:quiesce:designtime:completed | This event is started after the quiesce mode for designtime requests are completed. |
migration:reindex:core:completed | This event is started after re-indexing the core Elasticsearch indices. |
migration:reindex:analyticsandlogs:completed | This event is started after re-indexing the logs and events Elasticsearch indices. |
migration:transform:assets:competed | This event is started after all the migration handlers for asset transformation is finished running. |
The create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on webhooks, can be performed using the API Gateway webhook API. The operations of the webhook APIs are as follows:
Create Webhook
You can use the following request to create a webhook.
POST /rest/apigateway/wehooks
"config": {
"url": "http://apigatewaymig.free.beeceptor.com/my/api/path/test",
"headers": {"type": "core"},
"username": null,
"password": null,
"truststoreAlias": null
"events": [
"active": true
The parameters used in the request are described in the following table:
Parameter | Description |
config | Specifies webhook client endpoint configuration details like URL, headers, and so on. |
events | Specifies the list of interested events the webhook is registered for. |
active | Specifies whether this webhook is active or not. The default value is false. |
Update Webhook
You can use the following request to update a webhook.
PUT /rest/apigateway/wehooks/{id}
"config": {
"url": "http://apigatewaymig.free.beeceptor.com/my/api/path/test",
"headers": {"type": "core"},
"username": null,
"password": null,
"truststoreAlias": null
"events": [
"active": true
Retrieve Webhook
You can use the following request to retrieve the webhook with a specific id.
GET /rest/apigateway/wehooks/{id}
You can use the following request to retrieve all the defined webhooks from API Gateway.
GET /rest/apigateway/wehooks
Delete Webhook
You can use the following request to delete the webhook with a specific id.
DELETE /rest/apigateway/wehooks/{id}