Command Central 10.7 | Zementis Integrated Server | Viewing the Zementis Integrated Server Logs
Viewing the Zementis Integrated Server Logs
Zementis Integrated Server runs in the Software AG Runtime profile (CTP) and logs run-time execution details in the CTP logs.
*To access and view the Zementis Integrated Server logs using the Command Central web user interface
1. In Command Central, select the required environment and navigate to Instances > CTP > Zementis Integrated Server > Logs.
On the Logs page, Command Central lists all logs available under the CTP profile.
2. To view the contents of a log:
*Click the alias of the log and view its details in the browser.
*Click download icon for the log and select the format in which you want to download the log.
To download multiple logs, select the logs you want to download and click gear icon > Download selected logs. Clicking gear icon without selecting any logs, downloads all available logs.