Command Central 10.7 | Zementis Integrated Server | Managing Zementis Integrated Server Licenses
Managing Zementis Integrated Server Licenses
In Command Central, you can configure Zementis Integrated Server licenses, view the details of the configured licenses, and retrieve their location. However, you cannot change the location of the license files.
*To manage Zementis Integrated Server Licenses using the Command Central web user interface
1. In Command Central, select the required environment and navigate to Instances > CTP > Zementis Integrated Server > Configuration > License Keys.
On the License Keys page, you can view the status and expiration date of the current Zementis Integrated Server license.
2. To view details about the Zementis Integrated Server license, click the license entry under License Type.
3. To update a license, click Edit, select a license key from the list, and click Save.
After you save your changes, Zementis Integrated Server will use the new license that you have selected.