Command Central 10.7 | Event Routing (Deprecated) | Administering Event Routing | Configuration Types that Event Routing Supports
Configuration Types that Event Routing Supports
The following table lists the configuration types that the Event Routing run-time component supports and their descriptions:
Configuration Type
Runtime configuration settings for Event Routing.
For information about the fields and values to specify when configuring Event Routing runtime settings, see Configuring Common Properties for Event Routing.
Groups of services for a particular runtime. One of the services in a service group can be tagged as the source of events for all event types associated with this service group.
For information about Event Routing service groups, see Configuring Services and Service Groups.
Services of Universal Messaging type that are the source or target endpoints for receiving and delivering events.
For information about Event Routing services, see Configuring Services and Service Groups.
Associations of predefined and custom event types that exist in the Event Type Store to different Event Routing service groups.
For information about Event Routing event type associations, see Configuring Event Type Associations.
For general information about using Command Central to configure settings for a product, see Software AG Command Central Help.