Command Central 10.7 | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Administering Apama in Command Central | Configuration types that Apama components support | Configuration types that the Apama display server and Apama data server support | Component endpoint configuration
Component endpoint configuration
The following component endpoint configuration properties are available:
Required. Specifies the logical name for the host, for example: <Endpoint alias="${logicalName}">.
Required. Specifies the host name of the correlator or data server for a specified alias.
Required. Specifies the port of the correlator or data server.
Required. Specifies the type of endpoint configuration.
Specifies whether to use the raw channel for communication. Valid values are:
The default value is false. This property applies only to the correlator endpoint type.
When you create a new endpoint configuration instance, you must use COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS as the configuration type ID.
When you update or delete an endpoint configuration instance, you must use the following configuration instance ID:
Examples when executing on Command Central
*To create the endpoint configuration instance for a display server instance:
sagcc create configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS -i AddDisplayServerEndpoint.xml
*To update the endpoint configuration instance for a display server instance for endpoint type correlator:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
-i UpdateDisplayServerEndpoint.xml
*To update the endpoint configuration instance for a display server instance for endpoint type dataserver:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
-i UpdateDisplayServerEndpoint.xml
*To delete the endpoint configuration instance for a display server instance for endpoint type correlator:
sagcc delete configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
*To delete the endpoint configuration instance for a display server instance for endpoint type dataserver:
sagcc delete configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
*To create the endpoint configuration instance for a data server instance:
sagcc create configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
*To update the endpoint configuration instance for a data server instance for endpoint type correlator:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS-correlator-alias1 -i UpdateDataServerEndpoint.xml
*To update the endpoint configuration instance for a data server instance for endpoint type dataserver:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS-dataserver-alias1 -i UpdateDataServerEndpoint.xml
*To delete the endpoint configuration instance for a data server instance for endpoint type correlator:
sagcc delete configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
*To delete the endpoint configuration instance for a data server instance for endpoint type dataserver:
sagcc delete configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
You cannot update alias and endpoint type.
Example format of the XML file for correlator type endpoint for the instance ID COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS-correlator-alias1:
<Endpoint alias="alias1">
<Property name="isRaw">true</Property>
<Property name="type">correlator</Property>
Example format of the XML file for dataserver type endpoint for the instance ID COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS-dataserver-alias1:
<Endpoint alias="alias1">
<Property name="type">dataserver</Property>