Command Central 10.7 | Optimize | Using Command Central to Manage Optimize | Using the Command Line to Manage Optimize | Run-time Monitoring Statuses for Optimize Infrastructure Data Collector
Run-time Monitoring Statuses for Optimize Infrastructure Data Collector
The following table lists the run-time statuses that the Infrastructure Data Collector run-time component can return in response to the sagcc get monitoring runtimestatus and sagcc get monitoring state commands, along with the meaning of each run-time status.
Run-time Status
The Infrastructure Data Collector server is starting.
The Infrastructure Data Collector server is running.
The Infrastructure Data Collector server is started, but it is not configured in the My webMethods Server administration user interface. If the Infrastructure Data Collector server is not configured, it cannot accept client requests.
The Infrastructure Data Collector server is stopping.
The Infrastructure Data Collector server has stopped.