Command Central 10.7 | Universal Messaging | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Securing Communication Between Command Central and Universal Messaging | How does Command Central Connect to Universal Messaging?
How does Command Central Connect to Universal Messaging?
Command Central uses one of the Universal Messaging ports (interfaces) for configuration and administration. Command Central checks the interfaces of a Universal Messaging server instance in the following order and chooses the first available interface to connect to the server:
1. Interfaces that use the HTTP protocol (nhp).
2. Interfaces that use the socket protocol (nsp).
3. Interfaces that use the HTTPS protocol (nhps).
4. Interfaces that use the SSL protocol (nsps).
5. Interfaces that use the shared memory protocol (shm).
If Command Central disconnects from the Universal Messaging server, Command Central uses the same order to connect to a new Universal Messaging port.