Command Central 10.7 | Business Rules | About
You use the Command Central web user interface and command line interface to manage Business Rules. The Business Rules run-time component is a layered product of My webMethods Server.
You can use Command Central to manage the following operations for Business Rules:
*Monitor run-time statuses for a Business Rules instance.
For information about monitoring a product instance, see the topic about monitoring KPIs in Software AG Command Central Help.
*Configure an endpoint connection from My webMethods Server to Integration Server for hot deployment of Business Rules projects.
You can configure endpoint connections to multiple Integration Servers. For more information about the fields and values to specify when configuring an endpoint connection to Integration Server for hot deployment of Business Rules projects, see Configuration Types that Business Rules Supports.
*Configure a business verification endpoint connection to a REST service that verifies user data in Business Rules decision tables.
You can configure a single connection to a business verification server. A business verification server is any server that provides REST services, including Integration Server. For more information about the fields and values to specify when editing a business verification endpoint connection, see Configuration Types that Business Rules Supports.
*Configure a data provider endpoint connection to a REST service that provides data to be used in Business Rules decision tables.
You can configure a single connection to a data provider server. A data provider server is any server that provides REST services, including Integration Server. For more information about the fields and values to specify when editing a data provider endpoint connection, see Configuration Types that Business Rules Supports.
*Configure whether users, groups and roles are displayed in the Principal Picker controls. For more information about configuring the Principal Picker, see Configuration Types that Business Rules Supports.
*Configure the event source for the Business Rules change history in the Business Console.