Command Central 10.7 | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Deploying a Designer project to Command Central
Deploying a Designer project to Command Central
To deploy a working Apama project in Command Central, you must configure the Apama component instances in Command Central:
*For the correlator:
1. Create a Zip file of your Designer project using the engine_deploy tool with the --outputDeployDir action. For more information, see "Deploying a correlator" in Deploying and Managing Apama Applications.
If your project makes use of a custom C++ plug-in (connectivity plug-in or EPL plug-in), see "Configuring Apama components to use custom C++ plug-ins" in Deploying and Managing Apama Applications.
2. Copy the Zip file to the Apama/command-central/instances/correlator/instance_name/ directory. You could do this by uploading the Zip file in the configuration of your correlator instance, using the Command Central web user interface. Alternatively, you could use composite templates as described below.
The Designer project (Zip file) is launched when the correlator instance is started, including all the EPL files and configurations.
3. Optionally, you can override the correlator configuration properties (YAML, JMS, distributed store) using the APAMA-PROP-OVERRIDES configuration type. For more information, see Overriding correlator configuration. You can perform these steps using the web user interface or command line interface.
Command Central composite templates can be used to transform deployment of Apama applications to a correlator into a single automated step. The samples for this are available at the Apama/samples/command_central/ directory.
The project contents are reset by Command Central each time the instance is started. Therefore, do not configure the correlator to write any valuable state within the project directory itself, for example, supplementary log files or some other application output.
*For the IAF, create the IAF instance in Command Central. You should copy the IAF configuration file from the project directory at /adapters/iaf_config.xml to the same system as the instance, and specify the path to that file at instance creation time.
*For the dashboard servers, if your configuration needs to access any resources from the Apama project, you must make the dashboards folder from the project directory available on the same system as the instance.