Command Central 10.7 | Broker | Using Command Central to Manage Broker | webMethods Broker and the Command Line Interface | Configuration Types that webMethods Broker Supports
Configuration Types that webMethods Broker Supports
The following table lists the configuration types that webMethods Broker supports.
Configuration Type
Use to configure...
The protocol, host, and port of the My webMethods Server that hosts the administration user interface for the Broker for which the command was executed. The default value is http://localhost:8585.
You can use the following commands to retrieve or update the value:
*cc get configuration data
*cc update configuration data
The full URL for the Broker Server Details page in My webMethods. You cannot change the value. You can use the cc get configuration data command to retrieve its value.
The SagLic license file. You can use the following commands to add and update webMethods Broker-specific information to the SagLic file:
*cc get configuration data
*cc update configuration data
*cc get configuration instances
*cc list configuration instances
*cc get configuration types
*cc list configuration types
The location where the license file resides in file system where Broker Server is installed.
The Broker Server listener port. You can use the following commands to retrieve or update port information:
*cc get configuration data
*cc update configuration data
You cannot use the command line interface to change the Broker Server port number. You can only change the SSL information.
Example When Executing on Command Central
To change the URL of the My webMethods Server that hosts the Broker Server administration user interface to http://localhost:8500, do the following:
1. Read the current configuration of BROKER-MWSADMIN of the Broker-Server-8349 instance and store the configuration details in the BROKER-MWSADMIN.txt file:
sagcc get configuration data node_alias Broker-Server-8349 
2. Using a text editor, edit the BROKER-MWSADMIN.txt file to change the URL to http://localhost:8500.
3. Update BROKER-MWSADMIN using the new settings in the BROKER-MWSADMIN.txt file:
sagcc update configuration data node_alias Broker-Server-8349 
4. View the My webMethods Server URL change in the BROKER-MWSADMIN configuration:
sagcc get configuration data node_alias Broker-Server-8349 
5. Refresh the COMMON-ADMINUI configuration:
sagcc get configuration data node_alias Broker-Server-8349 
COMMON-ADMINUI refresh=true -p password