Command Central 10.5 | Using the Command Line Interface | Repository Commands | Using HTTPS to Connect to Repositories
Using HTTPS to Connect to Repositories
Command Central can register a repository on the HTTP, HTTPS, or both ports based on the following:
*The version of the Platform Manager installation
*The repository type
*Whether the HTTP and HTTPS ports are enabled
When the HTTP and HTTPS ports are enabled in a Platform Manager installation version 10.4 or higher, Command Central registers a repository hosted in that installation at both locations (http:// and https://). You can check the available locations for a repository using the sagcc list repository command.
Software AG recommends that you do not disable the HTTP port when provisioning product installations with version 10.1 or lower.
You must consider the following when you want to connect to a repository registered in Command Central over HTTPS.
When installing products or fixes from a master repository, Command Central uses HTTPS to connect to 9.12 or higher repositories and HTTP to connect to 9.10 or lower repositories.
When installing products or fixes hosted on a local or remote Platform Manager with version 10.4 from a mirror repository, Command Central uses HTTPS to connect to 10.3 or higher repositories and HTTP to connect to 10.1 or lower repositories.