Command Central 10.5 | Using the Command Line Interface | Repository Commands | sagcc list repository assets
sagcc list repository assets
Lists the asset repositories registered in Command Central. Information about the repositories can include:
*Description, or null if none is assigned
*Repository type
*Time of last update
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc list repository assets [options]
*Not supported by Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Usage Notes
Based on the type of the repository, the Last Updated column in the command output shows the time of:
*The last update of a flat-file repository on the file system
*The last commit in a git repository
Examples When Executing on Command Central
To list the registered assets repositories on a Command Central server with host name “rubicon” and port “8490”:
sagcc list repository assets -server http://rubicon:8490/cce