Command Central 10.5 | Using the Command Line Interface | Inventory Commands | sagcc list inventory assets
sagcc list inventory assets
Lists assets that are installed on the specified installation.
The assets inventory commands are a preview feature that is subject to change in the future. This preview has limited functions and is not intended for use in a production environment. If you want to provide feedback for this preview feature, go to the Command Central area in the Software AG TechCommunity.
*Not supported on Command Central.
*Platform Manager syntax:
sagcc list inventory assets runtimeComponentId [options]
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Required. Specifies the run-time component for which you want to list inventory assets.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Example When Executing on Platform Manager
To list all assets for the run-time component with ID "Universal-Messaging-default" on the Platform Manager with host name “rubicon2” and port “8092”, using the authorization of the user with user name “Administrator” and password “manage”, and have the information returned to the console in XML format:
sagcc list inventory assets Universal-Messaging-default --format xml                
--server http://rubicon2:8092/spm --username Administrator                
--password manage