Command Central 10.5 | Adding Product Licenses and Understanding Metering | Add Product License Keys to Command Central
Add Product License Keys to Command Central
*Open your installation email from Software AG. The email might have these attachments:
*License manifest files, identifiable by file names that do not include any product name. Each license manifest file contains all contracts for one location of your organization.
*Individual product license key files, identifiable by file names that include product names. Each license key contains the license for a product, a component, or a product feature.
Software AG requires license keys for some products after you install them. Software AG provides license keys for these products when you first license the product, when you need to replace license keys that are about to expire, or when you need to change your license so you can access different product features.
Copy the attachments to a machine that can access the Command Central from which you will install your products and then do the following:
*If you have license manifest files, add them to Command Central. Go to Licensing > Manifests, click the plus icon, and provide the requested values. Then open each file. If the LicenseManifest Version at the top is 3.0 or higher, license keys are embedded within the file and you need take no further action, because Command Central automatically extracts the keys from the manifest files and lists the keys on the Keys tab.
*If you do not have manifest files, or if you have manifest files but they do not contain embedded license keys, add the individual license key files to Command Central. Go to Licensing > Keys, click the plus icon, choose the appropriate option, and provide the requested values.