Command Central 10.3 | Command Central Developer Reference | Using the Command Line Interface | Repository Commands | sagcc list repository fixes dependencies
sagcc list repository fixes dependencies
Checks the dependencies for a fix.
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc list repository fixes dependencies repo_name fix_name1[_version],
fix_name2[_version] [options]
*Not supported by Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Required. The name of the fix repository that contains the fix.
fix_name1[_version], fix_name2[_version]
Required. The name of the fix or fixes for which you want to check dependencies. Specifying the fix version is optional. Use comma as a list separator.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Example When Executing on Command Central
To check the dependencies for a fix with name “wMFix.SPM.TEST” in a fix repository with name “repo1”:
sagcc list repository fixes dependencies repo1 wMFix.SPM.TEST