Argument | Description |
[includeHeaders={labels | properties | none}] | Specifies whether you want the output to include a header line. Specify one of the following: labels to include a header line containing the display names for each field. For example “Product Version” might be a display name if the output includes the version of a product. This is the default. properties to include a header line containing the property key name for each field. For example “product.version” might be the display name if the output includes the version of a product. none to omit headers from the output. |
[properties=keys] | Identifies the keys associated with the information you want included in the output. For example, if you want the output to only include the product version, specify properties=product.version. To specify multiple keys, separate each with a comma. For example, if you want alias names and descriptions in the output, you might specify properties=alias,description. Use properties=* to include all information. If you omit the properties argument, the command returns a default set of fields. |