Command Central 10.15 | Using the Command Line Interface | Repository Commands | sagcc list repository assets
sagcc list repository assets
Lists the asset repositories registered in Command Central. Information about the repositories can include:
*Time of last update
*Repository description, or null if none is assigned
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc list repository assets [repoName] [options]
*Not supported by Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Optional. The name of the asset repository for which to list information. If you omit this argument, Command Central lists information about all registered asset repositories.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Usage Notes
*To get the repository description in the output, include properties=* in the command. For details about how to use this argument, see properties.
*Based on the type of the repository, the Last Updated column in the command output shows the time of:
*The last update of a flat-file repository on the file system
*The last commit in a Git repository
Examples When Executing on Command Central
To list the registered assets repositories on a Command Central server with host name “rubicon” and port “8490”:
sagcc list repository assets -server http://rubicon:8490/cce
To list the details and the description of the repository with name "MyAssetRepo", registered on the local Command Central server:
sagcc list repository assets MyAssetRepo properties=*
Name Type Location Branch Last Updated Created By Description
MyAssetRepo FLATFILE file:/c:/sag/cc/profiles/CCE/data/flatfile/ Thu May 28 11:23:34 EEST 2020 Administrator templates assets repository