Known Issues
This section lists any issues for the current release that were known when this readme was published. For known issues found later, go to the Knowledge Center on the
Empower website.
Attempting to view the contents of a repository using the Command Central web user interface fails with the following error: "There is no repository to register". The issue occurs when the repository name contains a space. To work around this issue, list the repository contents using the "sagcc list repository content" CLI command.
In the Jobs view of the Command Central web user interface, in some cases Platform Manager provisioning jobs with status COMPLETED have their progress bar at 95%. There is no workaround for this issue.
Executing a cross-host migration in Command Central fails at the "Archive source node directory" step when the source installation contains one or more directories with spaces in the filepath. For example, the issue occurs when migrating an installation containing a Universal Messaging instance.
To work around this issue, set the following Command Central server system property: %s && find . -type f %s %s | awk '{print "\x22"$0"\x22"}' > %s && %s cfM %s -C %1$s @%4$s
In Command Central, when upgrading a stack or executing a dry run for a stack upgrade, the operation might fail with the following error message at the template validation step: “Un-handled internal server error. Internal error: handler not loaded for this platform (
CCE-7156 In the Command Central web user interface, when auto-creating stacks or creating stacks from scratch, the wizard does not list all possible releases in the "Product release" drop-down box.
To work around this issue, use the following Command Central CLI commands and include the "release=
Auto-create stacks with the "sagcc create stacks" command.
Create stacks from scratch with the "sagcc create stacks auto" command.
When upgrading Command Central, if you provide a password value for the "-p" argument that is different from the administrator user password of the source Command Central, the upgrade operation fails with an error message that does not describe what has caused the failure. The issue occurs because you should provide the administrator user password of the source Command Central using the "-p" argument. There is no workaround for this issue.