Command Central 10.11 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Command Central | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*Substitute user support You can now define a substitute user to:
*Install and start Platform Manager when bootstrapping Platform Manager on a remote machine using a template.
*Stop the source Platform Manager when migrating Platform Manager using a template.
To define a substitute user, use the substituteUserCredentials parameter in the nodes:default:default:bootstrapInfo: section of the template.
*Upgrading stacks In the Command Central web user interface, you can now upgrade software stacks with version 10.3 and higher. You can use stacks for the following upgrade types:
*upgrade to the same installation directory and has the same hosts and ports.
*upgrade to a new installation directory on the same host with the same ports.
*upgrade to a new host with the same ports and the installation directory can have the same or a new value.
Each type of upgrade with the stack has a dedicated upgrade wizard. You can also do a dry run of the upgrade, which will only generate and validate the required migration templates. You can review the results of the dry-run job and check the templates before running the actual upgrade.
*sagcc exec stacks migrate The command upgrades product installations with version 10.3 and higher using a stack. Based on the value of the migration.type= argument, the command executes one of the following upgrade types:
*sagcc list stacks migrate properties The command lists the required and optional migration properties for a stack.
*sagcc list stacks migrate status The command checks the migration status after a failed migration attempt with a stack. The command output also indicates whether Command Central generated any templates before the migration attempt failed.
*sagcc exec templates composite generate migration The command generates a migration template that includes the infrastructure data of the source Platform Manager nodes. Based on the migration.type argument, the command generates a template for the following upgrade types:
*Generic (for any of the supported upgrade types)
*Automatic creation of stacks and layers In the Command Central web user interface, you can now automatically generate stacks and layers from existing environments managed by Command Central. In the Auto-create stacks wizard you can select all environments and release versions, or a specific environment and version, for which Command Central will generate stacks.
*sagcc create stacks auto The command generates product stacks with layers from existing environments managed by one Command Central automatically. You can also use the command to generate product stacks only for a specific environment, or only for product installations that have the same release version.
*sagcc update stacks alias The command updates the name of the specified stack.
*sagcc update stacks layers alias The command updates the name of the specified layer.
*Export Infrastructure to Template wizard In the Command Central web user interface, you can now export a Platform Manager instance from a managed installation to an infrastructure micro template. Command Central generates a template with the Platform Manager instance data, imports the generated template automatically, and creates a layer type definition for the template.
*sagcc exec provisioning assets install PREVIEW. The command installs assets with their dependencies from an asset repository into a target node.
*sagcc exec provisioning assets uninstall PREVIEW. The command uninstalls the specified assets from the specified node.
*Installation reports In the Command Central web user interface, you can now generate installation reports that contain detailed information for each installed product, such as the type of product installation (for example, development or production), and the number of installed and running product instances.
*Displaying the version and location of the Command Central CLI You can now display the version and location of the Command Central CLI by running the following CLI command: sagcc --version
*Support for strong key exchange methods for securing SSH connections Command Central now supports the following strong key exchange methods, which are enabled by default (listed in order of priority): diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 (highest), diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 (lowest).
* A server system property for OSGI-CCE that controls the list and priority of key exchange methods allowed by Command Central for securing remote SSH connections.
*verbose: true|false New parameter in the actions: section of a template that indicates whether Command Central should include the standard output from the shell actions defined in the template in the Command Central logs.
Changed Items
*sagcc exec templates composite generate The command now generates an infrastructure micro template from the Platform Manager instance in an installation, or a migration template from an installed product instance using the new options=INFRASTRUCTURE argument.
*Plus icon on the Stacks home page From the plus icon on the Stacks home page in the Command Central web user interface, you can now select to “Auto-create stacks” or “Create a stack from scratch”.
*Reports icon in Licensing > Reports in the Command Central web user interface Click the plus icon and then click Create License Manifest Report
*Return codes from CLI command execution The return codes that can result from executing a Command Central or Platform Manager CLI command have been updated.
*Key exchange methods The following key exchange methods are now disabled by default, because they are weak:
Deprecated Items
*.exe file of the Command Central bootstrapper Use the .bat file to install Command Central on a Windows operating system.
*Deploying Command Central composite assets to Integration Cloud
*License metering, including license reports and snapshot reports and all related CLI commands.
sagcc create license-tools reports snapshot
sagcc delete license-tools reports snapshot
sagcc delete license-tools reports snapshot reportid
sagcc list license-tools reports snapshot
sagcc get license-tools reports snapshot reportid
sagcc get license-tools reports snapshot output PDF
sagcc get license-tools reports snapshot output XML
sagcc list license-tools reports
sagcc list license-tools metering products
sagcc get license-tools metering contracts licensekey
sagcc list license-tools manifests contracts
*License manifest files and all related CLI commands.
sagcc add license-tools manifests
sagcc delete license-tools manifests
sagcc get license-tools manifests output xml
sagcc list license-tools manifests
sagcc list license-tools manifests content
Removed Items
*Aggregated reports and all related CLI commands The following commands are removed from the CLI:
sagcc list license-tools reports aggregated
sagcc add license-tools reports aggregated
sagcc delete license-tools reports aggregated reportid
sagcc delete license-tools reports aggregated
sagcc exec license-tools metering
sagcc get license-tools metering state