Command Central 10.11 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Command Central | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Added Items
*Cross-site-request forgery prevention Protected the Command Central web user interface against cross-site-request forgery attacks.
*Web user interface instance creation wizard Creates, updates, or deletes instances of Integration Server, My webMethods, Universal Messaging, and Apama for installations of release 9.12.
*Instructions and tooltips The wizards and screens of the Command Central web user interface have been enhanced with new instructions and tooltips.
*Web user interface product installation wizard Installs products of release 9.8 or higher. You must consider the following when using this wizard:
*Use mirror or master repositories. The product installation wizard does not support image repositories.
*For installations of release 9.10 or higher, installing a Platform Manager product plug-in automatically restarts Platform Manager to activate the plug-in. For earlier releases, Platform Manager is not restarted automatically and you should use the ALL distribution (which includes all product plug-ins) or restart Platform Manager manually.
*Checking for dependencies is not supported for older releases, which is indicated by a warning.
*Installing language packs is supported only for installations of release 9.12.
*Use the Software AG Installer to install products of release 9.7 and earlier.
*sagcc get templates composite export Exports an existing composite template into a zip archive.
Changed Items
*Command Central bootstrap installer Added support for the HP-UX and IBM AIX operating systems.
*Logs The Command Central logs are now reduced in number and made easier to read and understand.
*Product and fix repository wizards Streamlined and enhanced repository wizards to support browsing and searching the repositories.
*Template-based provisioning enhancements Enabled migration of existing environments to a different host, using a live or cloned database.
*Command Central REST API Improved performance and memory usage. A single WADL document for the Command Central REST API services. The document is located at http(s)://ccehost:cceport/cce/application.wadl
Removed Items
*Create/apply snapshot templates wizards in the Command Central web user interface Use composite templates to provision existing installations with version 9.8 or higher.
*Event Routing Removed Event Routing from the Command Central bootstrap installer.