Command Central 10.11 | Using the Command Line Interface | Provisioning Products Commands | sagcc exec provisioning products install
sagcc exec provisioning products install
Installs products from a product repository. The Platform Manager on which you install the products must have access to a product repository.
Before installing products using this command, see Before Installing Products.
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc exec provisioning products node_alias repo_name install   
[administratorCredentials=credentialsAlias] [administratorCredentialsChangeOnFirstLogin={true|false}][options]
*Not supported on Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Required. The alias of the target node on which to install products.
Required. The name of the product repository from which to install products.
The names of the products to install.
*Required for a master repository. You must specify at least one product with version.
*Optional for image repositories. If you do not specify any artifacts, Command Central installs all products in the image archive.
When you specify more than one product, specifying the version is optional.
To find the product IDs, use the sagcc list repository products content command.
Optional. Use only when installing products of version 10.11 or higher. The credentials alias to use for the product administrator user. If you omit this argument, the command uses the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias. See the usage notes for more details about this argument.
Optional. Use only when installing products in installations of version 10.11 or higher. Indicates whether the product requires changing the password of the product administrator user on the initial login. Valid values:
*true - password change required.
*false (default) - no password change required.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Usage Note
*You cannot install all products available in a master repository. You must specify at least one product with version in the artifacts argument.
*When installing products on nodes version 9.12 or lower from a mirror repository, if you change the credentials of the Platform Manager on which the mirror repository is stored, you must also update the mirror repository credentials. Use the sagcc update repository products command to update the mirror repository credentials.
*When listing a product in the artifacts argument, you must enclose the product Id in single quotes ('') if the ID includes underscore (_), followed by a number. The single quotes ensure that Command Central does not interpret the (_) character in the product Id as the version delimiter in [artifacts=productId[_version]. For example, to list the product with ID "WmPSFT_E1_898" and version 8.98.6282010.0.0, enter artifacts='WmPSFT_E1_898' (without the optional version) or artifacts='WmPSFT_E1_898'_8.98.6282010.0.0 (with the version).
*When installing products with version 10.11 and higher, by default the command uses the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias. Note that the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias does not have a default password value and you must specify a strong administrator password by navigating to Environments > ALL > Instances > CCE > Command Central Server > Configuration > Credentials in the Command Central web user interface and editing the ADMINISTRATOR credentials. Optionally, you can use [administratorCredentials=credentialsAlias] to specify a custom credentials alias that you defined for the product administrator user. For information about adding credentials aliases, see Create Credentials Aliases.
If you specify a custom credentials alias, Command Central will set the provided password for the default administrator user of the product and ignore the username value of the credentials alias. For example, if you specify a credentials alias that has a username value "my-user" and a password value "my-admin-password" and the default administrator user for the product you are installing is "sysadmin", then Command Central will set the password "my-admin-password" to the "sysadmin" user when installing the product.
*When installing products with version 10.7 and lower, the command does not provide credentials for the product administrator user. Command Central installs each product with the default administrator user and password for the product.
Examples When Executing on Command Central
*To install all products with version 10.11 from a mirror repository with name “MyProducts-1011” on a target node with alias “sag01” using the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias:
sagcc exec provisioning products sag01 MyProducts-1011 install
*To install the products with product IDs “integrationServer” and “MwsProgramFiles” and their dependencies from a master repository with name “webMethods-EUR” on a remote node with alias “sag01”:
sagcc exec provisioning products sag01 webMethods-EUR install