Default and Custom Product Administrator User Passwords
When installing products using Command Central, the initial password for the default administrator user of the product depends on the release version of the product.
Installing Products with Version 10.11 or Higher
By default,
Command Central installs the product using the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias. Note that the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias does not have a default password. Before installing products using
Command Central, you must edit the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias by navigating to
Environments >
Instances >
Command Central Server >
Configuration >
ADMINISTRATOR and entering a strong password, or the product installation will fail because the administrator user password is not provided. You can also add one or more custom credentials aliases for the default administrator users of the products you are installing and specify the custom credentials alias to use when installing a product.
Software AG recommends that you set a strong password for each product administrator user. For information about adding credentials aliases, see
Create Credentials Aliases.
If you specify a custom credentials alias, Command Central will use the provided password for the default administrator user of the product and ignore the username value of the credentials alias. For example, if you specify a credentials alias that has a username value "my-user" and a password value "my-admin-password" and the default administrator user for the product you are installing is "sysadmin", then Command Central will use the password "my-admin-password" for the "sysadmin" user when installing the product.
Installing Products with Version 10.7 or Lower
Command Central installs the product and sets the default administrator user password for that product.
Software AG recommends that you change the default password as soon as possible following the instructions in
Administering Software AG Products Using Command Central for the required product.