Assigning Values
CloudStreams allows you to modify the behaviour of how properties take values at run time. You can assign values from Header, Connection Parameter, Service, Parameters, and Literal to Connection group and Authentication group properties. You can also assign values to request parameters, request headers, and from response headers. When you assign a value, you can either hard code a specific value or assign a default value to a variable, that is, a value that is only assigned if the variable is null at run time, or assign a value of another variable by referencing the variable.
Note: You should assign values only if you want to change the default behaviour about how the properties take the values at run time. Further, when you assign values to properties in the
Connection group, the properties appear as
Global Variables under the selected Resource Group. See
Configuring Assignments in Resource Groups for information on how to assign values at the Resource Group level.
CloudStreams allows variable sources for target types. The following table describes the allowed source and target assignments:
Y - Allowed
X - Not Allowed
| Source | Header | Connection Parameters | Service | Parameter | Literal (User Typed Value) |
Target | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Header | | X | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Connection Parameters | | X | Y | Y | Y | Y |
XPath | | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Parameter | | X | Y | Y | X | X |
The following are the allowed types and their descriptions:
Header - Typically defined in REST Connector to represent a HTTP Header.
Connection Parameter - Represents any Connection parameter, qualified with the group prefix, for example, cr.username represents the “username” field value defined under the “Credentials” group.
Service - Represents a service, which implements the wm.cloudstreams.service.common.lookup.specs:mapServiceSpec
Parameter - Interaction (Resource) parameter. It represents a run-time value of system or user specified parameter, within an interaction scope. Currently, system parameters can only be used as a SOURCE. A system parameter starts with the “core” prefix, for example, core.serviceName means the functional area/service under which the interactions (resource) are defined.
Literal (User inserted value) - A constant value.
XPATH - Represents a field path in an
Integration Server document.
The following table describes the allowed assignment types and their descriptions:
Type Name | Description | Details |
HEADER | HTTP Header | Typically defined in a REST Connector to represent an HTTP Header. |
CONNECTION PARAMETER | Connection Parameter | Represents any Connection parameter, which should be qualified with the group prefix. For example, cr.username represents the field "username" value defined under the "credentials" group. Group Name | Group Prefix | Is a Required Group? | Connection | cn | Yes | Protocol | pr | No | Credential | cr | No | OAuth | oa | No | Request Header | rh | No | Amazon Web Services (aws_v2, aws_s3, aws_v4) | aws | No | Custom | cx | No |
XPATH | Signature Field Value | Represents a field path in an Integration Server document. |
SERVICE | Integration Server Service | Represents a service, which implements the wm.cloudstreams.service.common.lookup. specs:mapServiceSpec |
PARAMETER | Interaction (Operation/Resource) Parameter | Represents a run-time value of system or user specified parameter, within an interaction scope. A system parameter starts with a prefix "core". Currently, a system parameter can only be used as a SOURCE. The following table lists the system parameters: Parameter Name | Description | Type | core.connectorID | Unique connector identifier. | String | core.serviceName | Functional Area/Service under which the interactions (operation/resource) are defined. | String | core.connectionAlias | Connection Alias used by the connector service. | String | core.virtualServiceName | Virtual Service Name used by the connector service. | String | core.interactionName | Interaction (operation/resource) name of the connector service. | String | core.businessObject | Business Object name (if any) used by the connector service | String | core.objectFieldList | Business Object Field Names (if any) used by the connector service | String[ ] |
Any new user-defined parameter within the connector definition or using the connector service (during design time), can be directly referred to by its name, without any prefix. |
LITERAL | User inserted value | Represents any text value. |
Note: Assign actions are enabled only if there are arguments. For example, you will not be able to define arguments to pass to a service if there are no arguments in the selected service.