webMethods CloudStreams 10.4 | webMethods CloudStreams | webMethods CloudStreams Development | CloudStreams Provider Project | Creating a Provider Project
Creating a Provider Project
You create a CloudStreams Provider project in which you will define the connector. You can perform several management tasks for Provider projects, such as export, import, publish, unpublish, and delete.
* To create a Provider Project
1. In Software AG Designer, click Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other > CloudStreams Development to open the CloudStreams Development perspective.
2. Click File > New > CloudStreams Provider Project from the main menu.
3. In the Create New CloudStreams Provider Project wizard, assign a name to the new project in the Project name field using any combination of letters, numbers, and the underscore character. The project name must not be null and cannot be an empty string.
Note: CloudStreams connector development is a connected development where all artifacts are created on Integration Server.
CloudStreams Provider project names are validated according to the same rules that apply to Integration Server package names. Keep the following guidelines in mind when naming new packages:
*Start all package names with an uppercase letter and capitalize the first letter of subsequent words (for example, PurchaseOrder).
*Keep package names short. Use abbreviations instead of full names. For example, instead of ProcessPurchaseOrder, use ProcessPO.
*Ensure that the package name describes the functionality and purpose of the services it contains.
*Control characters and special characters like periods (.), including:
*Avoid creating package names with random capitalization (for example, cOOLPkgTest).
*Avoid using articles (for example, “a,” “an,” and “the”) in the package name. For example, instead of TestTheService, use TestService.
*Avoid using the prefix “Wm”. Integration Server and Software AG Designer use the “Wm” prefix for predefined packages that contain services, IS document types, and other files.
*Avoid using control characters and special characters like periods (.) in a package name. The watt.server.illegalNSChars setting in the server.cnf file (which is located in the IntegrationServer_directory\instances\instance_name\config directory) defines all the characters that you cannot use when naming packages. Additionally, the operating system on which you run the Integration Server might have specific requirements that limit package names.
4. The CloudStreams Target Runtime displays the default API level supported by the server. The project will be built on the default API level.
5. Select the type of connector in the Connector Type field. The type of connector depends on the type of SaaS provider with which you want to communicate. If you communicate with a REST-based provider, you create connections using a REST connector and if you communicate with a SOAP-based provider, you create connections using a SOAP connector.
6. Click Next to add Connector information in the Connector Details screen or click Finish to create the provider. The provider package is created at <your_integration_server_installaiton_location>\instances\default\packages.

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