Routing Rule Step (Load Balancing Routing, SOAP Virtual Service)
If you have a Web service that is hosted at two or more endpoints, you can use the Load Balancing option to distribute requests among the endpoints.
The requests are intelligently routed based on the "round-robin" execution strategy. The load for a service is balanced by directing requests to two or more services in a pool, until the optimum level is achieved. The application routes requests to services in the pool sequentially, starting from the first to the last service without considering the individual performance of the services. After the requests have been forwarded to all the services in the pool, the first service is chosen for the next loop of forwarding.
Load-balanced endpoints also have automatic Failover capability. If a load-balanced endpoint is unavailable (for example, if a connection is refused), then that endpoint is marked as "down" for the number of seconds you specify in the Suspend Interval field (during which the endpoint will not be used for sending the request), and the next configured endpoint is tried. If all the configured load-balanced endpoints are down, then a SOAP fault is sent back to the client. After the suspension period expires, each endpoint marked will be available again to send the request.
To configure the Routing Rule page for Load Balancing routing:
1. Click the virtual service name in the CloudStreams Governance view.
2. Expand the In Sequence step in the editor.
3. Click Routing Rule and complete the following fields in the Properties view.
You can optionally change the step name from Routing Rule to any other name. There are no naming convention restrictions.
(Read-only field.) Routing Rule.
(Read-only field.) HTTP.
Routing Type
Select Load Balancing.
Route To
The URLs of two or more services in a pool to which the requests will be routed. The application routes the requests to services in the pool sequentially, starting from the first to the last service, without considering the individual performance of the services. After the requests have been forwarded to all the services in the pool, the first service is chosen for the next loop of forwarding.
To specify the first service, click Endpoint and select the URL of the Web service to route the request to.
To specify additional services, use the plus button next to the field to add rows.
Then, click the icon next to this field and complete the Configure Endpoint Properties dialog box as follows. These properties will apply to all the endpoints.
Optimization Method: Select one of the following options:
None: The default.
MTOM: Indicates that
CloudStreams expects to receive a request with a Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) attachment, and will forward the attachment to the native service.
SwA: Indicates that
CloudStreams expects to receive a "SOAP with Attachment" (SwA) request, and will forward the attachment to the native service.
Bridging between SwA and MTOM is not supported. If a consumer sends an SwA request, CloudStreams can only forward SwA to the native provider. The same is true for MTOM, and applies to responses received from the native provider. That is, an SwA or MTOM response received by CloudStreams from a native provider will be forwarded to the caller using the same format it received.
When sending SOAP requests that do not contain a MTOM or SWA attachment to a virtual service for a native provider endpoint that returns an MTOM or SWA response, the request's Accept header must be set to multipart/related (or the virtual service's "In Sequence" step should include an IS service callout that sets the BUILDER_TYPE context variable to multipart/related). This is necessary so CloudStreams knows how to parse the response properly.
Connection Timeout: The time interval (in seconds) after which a connection attempt will timeout. If a value is not specified (or if the value 0 is specified),
CloudStreams will use the default value specified in
Integration Server.
Read Timeout: The time interval (in seconds) after which a socket read attempt will timeout. If a value is not specified (or if the value 0 is specified), the default is 30 seconds.
SSL Options: To enable SSL client authentication for the endpoint, you must specify values for both the
Client Certificate Alias field and the
IS Keystore Alias field. If you specify a value for only one of these fields, a deployment error will occur.
SSL client authentication is optional; you may leave both fields blank.
Client Certificate Alias: The client's private key to be used for performing SSL client authentication.
IS Keystore Alias: The keystore alias of the instance of Integration Server on which
CloudStreams is running. This value (along with the value of
Client Certificate Alias) will be used for performing SSL client authentication.
Suspend Interval
A numeric timeout value (in seconds). Default: 30. When this timeout value expires, the system routes the execution of the virtual service to the next consecutive Web service endpoint specified in the Route To field.
Use credentials from incoming request
Default. Authenticates requests based on the credentials specified in the HTTP header. CloudStreams passes the "Authorization" header present in the original client request to the native service.
Use specific credentials
Authenticates requests according to the values you specify in the User, Password and Domain fields.
Invoke service anonymously
Does not authenticate requests.
Use existing HTTP headers
Use the HTTP headers that are contained in the requests.
Customize HTTP headers
Use the HTTP headers that you specify in the Name and Value columns on the tab. If you need to specify multiple headers, use the plus button to add rows.
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