webMethods CloudStreams 10.3 | webMethods CloudStreams Documentation 10.3 | Policies | The Policy Actions | The Policy Action Reference | Require SSL
Require SSL
This action ensures that requests are sent to the server using the HTTPS protocol (SSL). This action supports WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 but can be used with both SOAP and REST services.
In addition, setting the Client Certificate Required parameter to True allows CloudStreams to verify the client sending the request.
Ensure that you specify an HTTPS port, as described in Setting the General Options.
Input Parameters
Client Certificate Required
Specifies whether client certificates are required for the purposes of:
*Verifying the signature of signed SOAP requests or decrypting encrypted SOAP requests.
*Signing SOAP responses or encrypting SOAP responses.
*True: Requires client certificates. If a valid client certificate is not presented, CloudStreams rejects the message. Ensure that the Integration Server HTTPS port is configured to request or require a client certificate.
*False: Default. Does not require client certificates.

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