webMethods CloudStreams 10.3 | webMethods CloudStreams Documentation 10.3 | CloudStreams Governance Project | Virtual Services (SOAP) | Applicable Policies Dialog Box (SOAP Virtual Service)
Applicable Policies Dialog Box (SOAP Virtual Service)
This dialog box lists all active policies that apply to this service. Any inactive policy that applies to the service is not listed.
Note: If multiple policies apply to the service, CloudStreams combines all those policies into a single policy known as the effective policy. The effective policy is a simple UNION of the run-time actions specified in all policies that apply to a service. To create the effective policy, CloudStreams evaluates the combined list of actions from all policies, using a set of internal rules known as Policy Conflict Resolution rules. For details, see the topic Policy Conflict Resolution Rules in the document Administering webMethods CloudStreams.

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