CloudStreams 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | CloudStreams Server | Release 10.5
Release 10.5
Added Items
*Support for handling listener runtime errors In earlier releases, CloudStreams listener did not have a mechanism to notify or recover from unwarranted error events which can be handled for a SaaS provider. For example, Salesforce sends the 400::Authenticated user id does not match the session's user id error, if an access token is invalidated or removed or the "403::Unknown client" error if a long-lived connection is lost due to an unexpected network disruption.
From this release, an error handler service provided by the CloudStreams provider is invoked to handle the error events. The error handler service does the callback on a custom callback service provided by the user to take further action based on the error handler service output. Thus, user can ensure that the listener is fault tolerant by enabling the error handler and listener runtime errors are reported and appropriate action taken.
*Field Lookup Support in CloudStreams Connectors In earlier releases, CloudStreams connector listeners and connector services had the capability to show a list of value options from the backend for a field available in the header, parameter, or input signature.
From this release, a Connector Developer can define lookups for a field available in the header, parameter, or input signature. This capability allows the CloudStreams Development UI to show a list of options from the back end to the end user for header, parameter, or signature field for which lookup is defined.
*Server Name Indication (SNI) Support CloudStreams Server now supports Server Name Indication (SNI) for Applications/Platforms websites. SNI allows multiple websites to exist on the same IP address. Without SNI, each hostname would require its own IP address for an SSL certificate to be installed. SNI solves this problem. CloudStreams now provides SNI supported connections with configurable parameters such as “Enable SNI” and “SNI Server Name”.
*CloudStreams OAuth 1.0a Authentication Scheme Enhancements CloudStreams OAuth 1.0a authentication scheme is now enhanced to provide support for realm and user specified signing algorithm.
*CloudStreams Server support for MySQL CE 5.7 on Amazon RDS CloudStreams Server now supports MySQL CE 5.7 on Amazon RDS instance, for persisting governance and analytics data.