CloudStreams 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | CloudStreams Server | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*Support for replaying of events from the “Last Received” event or from a computed replay ID In earlier releases, CloudStreams connector listener did not have a mechanism to replay all the events after the last received event and to replay all the events using a replay id computed by a custom service. From the release, all the events can be replayed after the last received event by CloudStreams within the retention window using the LAST-RECEIVED replay option. Also, all the events specified by a replayId that is computed by a custom service can be replayed using CUSTOM replay option. This option lets you point to any replay id in the old event stream. You must write a custom service adhering to the wm.cloudstreams.listener.metadata.connection.specs:retrieveReplayIDSpec and it maps the replayId to computedReplayID key
*Support for testing a connection In earlier releases, CloudStreams connector did not have the provision to test a connection while configuring a new connection. From this release, you can test the connection while configuring a new connection, editing an existing connection, or for those connections which are either enabled or disabled with disabled test function.
*Workday - Multi Version Support In earlier releases, CloudStreams Server supported a generic connector for Workday.
From this release, CloudStreams Server supports defining version backend. Multi-version support is required for Workday because the Workday backend does not guarantee backward compatibility for its API interfaces.
*Connection JWT (Service Account) Authentication Support in CloudStreams Adobe Experience Platform Connector In earlier releases, CloudStreams Server had limited support for JWT (Service Account) Authentication.
From this release, CloudStreams Server provides the ability to configure JWT or Service Account Authentication with Adobe Experience Platform. Additionally, it also maintains the validity of the authentication tokens by periodically refreshing the underlying tokens. The JWT authentication support provides a seamless connectivity experience with Adobe Experience Platform for the user.
*Connection Field Lookup Support in CloudStreams Connectors In earlier releases, CloudStreams Server did not provide any mechanism for populating the values of a connection configuration field directly from the backend.
From this release, CloudStreams Server now provides the ability to configure lookup for any connection field with a possible list of values from the respective SaaS applications. The field lookup support provides ease of use for the end users to choose a value for a field rather than manually entering the same.
*Connection Enhanced Logging Support for OAuth Refresh In earlier releases, CloudStreams Server had limited logging for OAuth 2.0 refresh flow.
From this release, CloudStreams Server supports enhanced logging and a separate logger facility for session management. A separate logger facility allows better control over the logs related to session management. A user can increase the logging level for this facility to capture additional logs while debugging session expiry issues besides turning on CloudStreams wire logging which requires an Integration Server restart to take effect.
*Enhanced Listener Error Handling and Callback Support for CloudStreams Connectors In an earlier release, CloudStreams Server introduced a limited and generic support for error handling and callback for connector listeners.
From this release, CloudStreams Server provides the ability for a connector listener to attempt recovery for errors configured as recoverable in the associated CloudStreams connector. Additionally, CloudStreams Server provides the ability to configure a callback service which will be invoked with the error details in case of any errors. The error recovery support attempts to offer a seamless real-time integration experience for the user. The error callback support allows the user to take any desired action such as (disable connector listener, send email) based on the error reported.
Changed Items
*CloudStreams Connector Listener In earlier releases, CloudStreams Connector Listener subscription status was displayed under the Enabled column as Yes or No under the Listener tab in the CloudStreams Administration user interface.
From this release, CloudStreams Connector Listener subscription status is displayed under the Status column as Enabled or Disabled under the Listener tab in the CloudStreams Administration user interface.