CentraSite 10.7 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Type Management | Managing Types through CentraSite Control | Inheriting Base Type Profiles, Lifecycle Models, and Policies
Inheriting Base Type Profiles, Lifecycle Models, and Policies
You can customize the type definition to inherit its base type's properties by using the Inherit options the Edit Asset Type - Advanced Settings dialog box in CentraSite Control.
To define inheritance in the type definition, you must have the Manage Asset Types permission.
By default, users with the CentraSite Administrator role and Asset Type Administrator role have this permission.
CentraSite provides the ability to inherit the base type's profiles, lifecycle models, and policies, and thus ensure that the base type's properties apply to all instances of the (derived) sub type.
When an asset is an instance of a sub type, the set of profiles that CentraSite applies to the asset instance depends on the sub type's Inherit base type profiles setting.
When the Inherit base type profiles option is enabled for a sub type, CentraSite inherits the profiles of the base type in addition to the profiles of the sub type to the asset instance. For example, when you enable this option for the sub type REST Service, an asset instance of this type will include both the profiles that are defined for that sub type REST Service and the profiles that are defined for its base type Service.
When this option is disabled for a sub type, CentraSite applies the profiles that are defined for that sub type; but it does not inherit the profiles of its base type. For example, when you disable this option for the sub type REST Service, asset instances of the REST Service type will simply include profiles that are defined for that type. Asset instances does not inherit the profiles that are defined for its base type Service.
The following table summarizes how the set of profiles that CentraSite applies for a type is affected by the state of the Inherit base type profiles option.
If the type's "Inherit Base Type Profiles" option is ...
Instances of the type have profiles of ...
Base Type
Sub Type
Sub Type
By default, the Inherit base type profiles option is disabled for predefined asset types.
*To inherit base type profiles in sub types
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.
2. In the Types tab, right-click a (sub) type whose base type profiles you want to inherit, and click Details.
3. In the Asset Type Details page, click the Edit button.
This opens the Edit Asset Type wizard.
4. In panel 1 of the Edit Asset Type wizard, click Advanced Settings.
5. In the Edit Asset Type - Advanced Settings dialog box, select the Inherit ... check box(es) as required.
Inherit basetype profiles
Inherits the profiles that are defined in the asset type definition.
Inherit basetype policies
Inherits the policies that are defined for the asset type definition.
Inherit basetype LCM
Inherits the lifecycle models (LCMs) that are defined for the asset type definition.
6. Click OK to leave the Edit Asset Type - Advanced Settings dialog box.
7. Click Finish to save the updated type definition.
After you have inherited the base type profiles, policies, and LCMs in the sub type definition, you can view the inherited profiles, policies, and LCMs. However, you cannot customize their contents.