CentraSite 10.5 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Type Management | Managing Types through CentraSite Control | Deleting Asset Types
Deleting Asset Types
To delete a user-defined asset type, you must have the Manage Asset Types permission.
By default, users with the CentraSite Administrator role and Asset Type Administrator role have this permission.
Follow these general guidelines when deleting asset types in CentraSite:
*You can delete a type only if there are no instances of that type in the registry.
*The core asset types that belong to CentraSite are non-deletable. CentraSite does not allow you to delete these types, even if there are no instances of the selected type in the registry.
If you have selected several asset types where one or more of them are predefined types, you can use the Delete button to delete the types. However, as you are not allowed to delete predefined asset types, only types you have permission for is deleted. The same applies to any other types for which you do not have the required permission.
If you are using CentraSite in conjunction with other software products, for example, the products of the webMethods Product Suite or a third-party product, those products can add their own asset types to CentraSite. Be aware that CentraSite treats these types as user-defined custom types, which can be deleted by an administrator with the appropriate permissions (like any custom type). Deleting these types in CentraSite can lead to inconsistencies or errors in the product that uses the type. For example, if you delete a type that is used by the webMethods Product Suite, components such as the webMethods Integration Server may no longer be able to publish assets to CentraSite. To prevent these types of errors, do not delete any asset type on which other Software AGcomponents or third-party products depend.
*To delete types
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.
2. In the Types tab, right-click a type you want to delete, and click Delete.
You can also select multiple types, click the Actions menu, and click Delete.
3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.