CentraSite 10.5 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Control | REST Service Management | Viewing REST Service List
Viewing REST Service List
You use the Asset Catalog > Browse to display the list of REST Service assets in CentraSite Control.
*To view the list of REST Service assets
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Browse.
A list of defined asset types is displayed in the Types pane.
2. In the displayed list of asset types, select REST Service.
The REST Service assets (for which you have the View permission) are displayed in the Assets pane.
The Assets pane provides the following information about each REST Service asset:
Name of the REST Service asset.
The asset's type definition, REST Service.
The user-defined version identifier of the REST Service.
You can adjust the view to show or hide the individual column by using the Browse By and Column Selection icon that is located in the upper-right corner of the Assets pane.
The shortcut menu of a particular REST Service asset displays one or more actions that you can perform on that REST Service.
Copies an existing REST Service that is similar to the one you need, and allows you to examine and modify the copy. CentraSite treats the copy just as if it were a new REST Service that you created from scratch.
Displays the details page of the REST Service.
Change Lifecycle State
Changes the lifecycle state of the REST Service.
Revert Pending State
Reverts a request that has been submitted for approval, and that is struck in Pending mode.
Change Owner
Changes the user ownership of the REST Service.
Run Policy
Executes a set of policies that are applicable for the asset's type definition, Service.
Change Organization
Changes the organizational ownership of the REST Service.
Exports the REST Service from the registry to an archive file on the file system.
Impact Analysis
Helps to easily visualize the associations that exist between the REST Service asset and registry objects.
Attach WSDL
Appends a WSDL document to the REST Service.
Add New Version
Generates a new version of the REST Service.
Notify Me
Sends notifications to all the registered users when changes are made to the REST Service.
Add to List
Adds the REST Service to a list in My Favorites.
Add to Favorites
Adds a shortcut to the REST Service you want to use routinely or otherwise keep close at hand.
Creates a proxy for the REST Service for consumption.
Download Documents
Downloads files that are attached to the REST Service from Supporting Document Library (SDL).