CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | User Management | Managing Users through CentraSite Control | Moving Users to a Different Organization
Moving Users to a Different Organization
To move a user, you must have the Manage Organizations permission or at least the Manage Users permission in CentraSite.
Users who have the Manage Organizations permission have the Manage Users permission by implication.
The following general guidelines apply when moving users to a different organization:
*If a user transfers to a department or work group in another organization within your enterprise, you can mirror that change in CentraSite. When you move a user to another organization, you can also move the user's assets to the target organization or you can leave them with their current organization.
*CentraSite treats the move operation as an update to the User object. When you move a user to another organization, CentraSite does the following:
*Removes the user from the system groups in the user's old organization and adds the user to the Users and Members system groups in the target organization. The user retains all other group memberships.
*Triggers pre- and post-update policies of the target organization on the User object. If a pre-update policy fails, the user is not moved into the target organization.
*Optionally, transfers the assets owned by the user to the target organization. If you do not select this option, the user's existing assets remain in the organization to which they are currently assigned, and the user continues to serve as their owner.
*Sends a notification to the inbox of the user when the move is complete.
*Records the user's organization change in the audit log.
*Members of the Users group for an organization have implicit View permission on the organization's assets. Because CentraSite transfers users from one Users group to another during a move, moved users lose implicit access to the assets in their former organization (except for the assets that they own) and receive implicit access to the assets in the target organization. If users require continued access to the assets in their former organization, consider granting the Asset Consumer role (in the old organization) to them after the move.
*If there are any explicit instance-level or role-based permissions assigned to the Users and Members groups in their former organization, moved users will lose those permissions. Moving users to another organization does not affect any instance-level permissions or role-based permissions that are granted directly to their user accounts or to any non-system groups to which they belong. Therefore, other than losing access to certain assets as a result of leaving the Users and Members groups in their former organization, users continue to have access to the same set of assets as they had before the move.
*You cannot move the default user or any other internal user that is installed by CentraSite. You can transfer active or inactive users.
*To move a user to a different organization
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Users > Users.
2. Right-click a user you want to move, and click Move.
You can also select multiple users, click the Actions menu, and then click Move.
3. Select an organization to which you want to move the users.
You can filter the organization list by typing a partial string in the search field.
4. Select the Move Assets owned by the selected user(s) to the new organization option button to transfer the assets owned by the selected user.