CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | User Management | Managing Users through CentraSite Control | Modifying User Details
Modifying User Details
To modify user details, you must have the Manage Organizations permission or at least the Manage Users permission for an organization in CentraSite.
Users who have the Manage Organizations permission have the Manage Users permission by implication.
You can perform the user modification tasks in the Edit User page. The modification is broken up across the different tabs in the Edit User page, which means that modifications done in each tab are independent of each other and must be saved individually. The modifications you can perform in each tab is outlined in the subsequent sections.
*To modify the basic details of a user
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Users > Users.
2. Right-click a user whose details you want to modify, and click Details.
This opens the Edit User page.
3. In the area labeled User Information, modify the values for the user's fields as required.
If you belong to the CentraSite Administrator role, you can move a user to a new organization without moving the user’s asset by changing the value of the Organization field.
4. After you have made the required changes, click Save to update the user information.