CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Access Token Management | Managing Access Tokens through Command Line Interface | Resending Undelivered Access Tokens
Resending Undelivered Access Tokens
To resend the undelivered access tokens through the CentraSite Command Line Interface, you must have the CentraSite Administrator role.
If access tokens are not delivered during the retry attempts, the undelivered tokens are flagged and persisted in the database.
CentraSite provides a command tool named send AccessTokens for this purpose.
*Run the command send AccessTokens.
The syntax is of the format: C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteCommand.cmd send AccessTokens [-url <CENTRASITE-URL>] -user <USER-ID> -password <PASSWORD> [-api <API>] [-apiPortal <APIPORTAL>] [-accessToken <ACCESSTOKEN>]
The input parameters are:
(Optional). The URL of the CentraSite registry. For example, http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite.
The user ID of a registered CentraSite user who has the CentraSite Administrator role. For example, Administrator.
The password for the registered CentraSite user identified by the parameter USER-ID.
Name or ID (uuid) of the Virtual Service (API). For multiple services, use a comma to separate the values. All values should either be the names or the IDs of the services, not a combination of both.
Name or ID (uuid) of the access tokens to be resent. To resend multiple tokens to the API Portal, use a comma to separate the values. All values should either be the names or the IDs of the access tokens, not a combination of both.
Name or ID (uuid) of the API Portal to which the tokens have to be resent. To resend tokens to multiple API Portals, use a comma to separate the values. All values should either be the names or the IDs of the API Portals, not a combination of both.
To resend the undelivered access tokens using send AccessTokens command, provide values for any one of the parameters:
If you do not specify values for any of the three parameters, CentraSite resends all the undelivered tokens to the respective API Portals.
Examples (all in one line):
Providing multiple IDs
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteCommand.cmd send AccessTokens -url http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite -user Administrator -password manage -api uddi:5f0ad20e-9bdd-11e4-9184-dc550a8f1855, 9f0ad41e-9crd-11e4-9172-dc550a8f2345
Providing multiple service names
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteCommand.cmd send AccessTokens -url http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite -user Administrator -password manage -api ApprovalVirtualService,SearchVirtualService
If the service, access tokens, or the API Portal names contain white spaces, enclose the names within “”.
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteCommand.cmd send AccessTokens -url http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite -user Administrator -password manage -api “Approval Virtual Service, Search Virtual Service”